tiistai 20. marraskuuta 2012

Moving to Phase Two

Even though my acute addicted times are already in the past, I´m still dealing with the things that made me get addicted at the first place. I´m diagnosed with the PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) and even though I don´t want this blog to concentrate on my story or my personal problems, I want to share this, because many people (most I think...) who are addicted or suffering from anxiety or depression etc have faced some traumatic events in their lives. So it is an important part of getting balanced that you deal with these issues.

It is recommended to get some professional help: psychotherapy, natural or art therapies, 12-steps or other peer support groups etc... And especially combining these different methods of support can be very efficient.

This may be self-evident for many of the readers of this blog, but I still wanted to have this advice here, because I have at first concentrated here for the methods that can help you to cope with the difficult emotions and memories that are starting to rise now when you are not anymore hiding behind the addictive behaviour. And in the next phase of this blog you are going to need these, because I will introduce to you some therapeutic methods that help in releasing the old traumas, but it means that you have to face more of your past: memories and emotions that are rising.

But remember to proceed at your own speed. Learn to listen to yourself and what are the things you need at the moment and that are helping you to feel well. It is good to have at least somewhat stabilazed situation and support before you start experiencing with methods that are bringing some stuff from your subconscious to the surface. And it is good to remember that you can always stop the new practises if the going gets too tough. It is not weakness or quitting, it is being reasonable and kind towards yourself. And you can then continue again later at some point when you are feeling better.

Dealing with the traumatic past is alternating between these two stages: stabilazing/rest and digging deeper to find the root causes of the anxiety/depression/ptsd/addiction and releasing that way the difficult memories and emotions that are blocked in our body/psyche by letting them feel: anger, sadness, fear, bitterness... By crying and mourning. Giving yourself all the time to do that you need.
So I will also concentrate on both of these stages on this blog. I will mark from now on to the blog posts that which one they are discussing. I add that also to former posts. Of course you can find these things easier from the Blogger (http://naturallyfreefromaddictionandanxiety.blogspot.fi/).

Even though you maybe haven´t had problems with drugs, I would recommend you to purchase NA:s (Narcotics Anonymous) books: "It Works: How and Why" (12 steps explained, 7,60 $) and "Step Working Guide" (7,70 $) from this page: http://www.na.org/admin/include/spaw2/uploads/pdf/catalogs/NAWS_Product_Catalog_Oct2012.pdf. Or from European version: http://www.na.org/admin/include/spaw2/uploads/pdf/catalogs/Europe_ProdCata_Oct2012.pdf

It is a wonderful way to start working with your addictive behaviour´s problematic and learning a new more stable way of living. It says in the guide that you should go to meetings and have a sponsor first, before you start writing the steps, but if that is not possible, we can talk about these things in our peer support group here on FB. :) Some people may find it difficult that in the 12-step-programs there is this idea of the life-long sobriety. I want to respect that conviction, but I know also people, who have found a balanced attitude towards so called "normal use" of alcohol/cannabis etc. But it is said that it is good to have at least 2-3 years of sobriety and therapy etc before you even begin to try that. Otherwise you may very easily find yourself back from where you started.

I hope that you find your way to a balanced and happy life! <3

sunnuntai 28. lokakuuta 2012

Discussion/Peer Support Group on Facebook

Here is a discussion/peer support group for this page´s/blog´s followers and also for others who are interested in using natural, holistic, alternative and spiritual methods to feel happier and more balanced & free in their lives. I decided to keep this now as a closed group, not secret. We can later decide together if we want to change that.

Welcome to join! ♥


perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2012

Connecting and Supporting/Donations

Hi! ♥

I wanted to say to all of you, that I´m so happy that you have found this blog/Facebook-page and that these writings have already reached so many people in so short time! This has been so long time my dream to start sharing this knowledge and to help people who are still suffering.

I ask your help in spreading the word or maybe you can tell me if you know some group or page on Facebook or somewhere else in the internet where could maybe be people interested in this topic.


I have now profile on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/tiina.valoisa and also here on Google+: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115057276846968048477/about

So feel free to add me as your friend, if you are interested in connecting with me or networking. And also if you are interested in joining a "Naturally Free From Anxiety and Addiction" -peer support and discussion group on FB.

I´m also giving private consultations via e-mail or private messaging. And I´m planning to start consulting also by video chats (Skype, Google+), but I´ll inform you when that is actually happening. You can also send messages here through this page - both private and public. 

I would also like to hear all kinds of comments and feedbacks from you and also it would be interesting to hear with what kind of problems are you combatting at the moment, so that I could take that in account when I´m planning the upcoming topics of my blog posts.

All this is happening now free/by donations. So if you feel that you have got some help from this page/blog/consulting, please help me in continuing this work by making donations (donation/support buttons are on the top of the right column).

It is not nice to talk about money, but the reality is that we are living in a world where you have to pay for things to stay alive and I would like to use my time - as much as possible - in helping people with this blog and by consultings. And I would be so very grateful, if you could help me in making this dream come true! ♥ Even nominal donations like 1 $/€ would be highly appreciated and they would show me that you respect and care about the time and effort I´m putting in this work.

Love, Tiina Valoisa

torstai 25. lokakuuta 2012

Dealing with difficult emotions: depression/pain body/Eckhart Tolle

One thing that is very common in addicted people is depression - before getting addicted, during the addiction and especially after quitting the addicted behaviour. Now we don´t have anymore the possibility to run away from facing these feelings of sadness and emptiness to our addictions and we have to start learning new ways how to deal with these emotions and haunting memories from the past.

One thing that has helped me tremendously in this is listening Eckhart Tolle´s speeches or reading his books. And especially helpful has been his teachings about the pain body.

Here you can find a profound explanation what the pain body is: http://www.detoxifynow.com/et_pain_body.html.

And here is an introduction to Tolle´s life and work. Here you can also find the names of his books, so that you can buy them or borrow from library: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eckhart_Tolle

But personally I have found the biggest help from watching his videos. His soothing voice and a very direct way to always return us back to now, back to present moment, works wonders even if you are in the deepest and darkest pits of dispair. (Have been there myself, trust me... ;) you are not alone!) Of course it may be that you need to at first get to know his style for some time and listen the speeches few times before you start getting the relief from your pain. It is all about learning to live more and more in this moment. The more you start learning that, the less heavier your periods of depression and despair will be. But once again you need to be patient! Give time to yourself to absorb the new healthier ways of living. Addiction didn´t form overnight, so the same way it is going to be with your new lifestyle.

Here is an example of Eckhart Tolle´s videos, where he is talking about the pain body. You can find lots of free speeches in the internet, but if you start watcing them more often or if you find them to be helpful, I recommend you to support his work by purchasing some of his books or DVD:s or making donations or join to Eckhart Tolle TV by paying the monthly fee. (http://www.eckharttolle.com/)

I hope you will find the same incredible help from these teachings as I have found! <3

tiistai 23. lokakuuta 2012

Calming Yourself Down Part 4 - Grounding

Grounding can help you very much if you have feelings of fear, nervousness, restlessness, anxiety, panic, insomnia or dissociation/depersonalization/derealization ("spaced out", unreal). Also here you need to be consistent and start building a new healthier routine for your days. Of course you can adjust the amount of grounding practises with how are you feeling at the moment, but if you include some of these advices permanently to your daily routine, it helps you to stay balanced in the long run. Balance builds up from many small good and sensible deeds and choices that maybe are not always the things you would prefer to be doing. You maybe would like to spend your time hanging in the Facebook or watching the tv etc, and that maybe suited you when you were supressing your feelings and your body´s needs with addictive behaviour, but it is not going to work anymore. You need to start having more restful pauses for your body and mind. But these little "sacrifices" of your time can give you so much in exchange! Feeling more peaceful, content and happy - more in this moment.

So here are some ideas for grounding yourself:

1) Go to the nature. Preferably every day, even shortly. You can walk or just sit there and relax. Breath the fresh air and feel the ground under your feet. It is very good if you can go to forest or some other place that is a little bit away from the city life and it´s crowded parks etc. There you can really enjoy the silence and feel the amazing energy that is at the same time both calming and refreshing. I have had this daily forest walk routine already a long time and I´ll do it  no matter what the weather is: same way if it shines or rains or snows or is freezing cold. (Oh yes, here in Finland the weather can be often quite challenging... ;) It is just all about the right kind of clothing and gear. It is just worth it! Every time I go to the forest, I find the same peace, joy and gratefulness inside of me.

2) Deep breathing. It is very common that people breath very shallow and use only the upper part of the lungs. And when we get anxious or scared we tend to almost stop breathing or do it in a very fast pace. And that makes us feel even worse and can even start a panic attack/depersonalisation feelings. So it is very good to start practicing a new way of breathing, a deeper way. There´s lots of free breathing exercises (pranayama) for example in Youtube, but one easy way is just start to practise yourself by counting to four when inhaling, then pause for a second, then four for exhaling, and pause again for a second. And repeat this for some time. You can also start to add little by little the amount of time that you are using in each phase of the breathing. But not too quickly. Learn to listen yourself and be gentle! Breath through your nose and breath down to your belly. Repeat this practise often, because habits that we have had for a long time don´t change overnight. So be patient! ;)

3) Regular day rhythm, routine and enough time for rest and sleeping. Oh yes... many of these tips are really simple, but it´s another thing to really use them in your life. Regularly. So, when the times are difficult, it is a very good thing to go back to basics. Think how you would rhythm a small child´s days. When to get up? At what times would it be good to eat (breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, supper/evening snack)? What time to go to bed? Once again I mention this indian ancient medicine, ayurveda, because it can be a very helpful tool to understand yourself better and to learn different ways to get yourself in balance. So just google "ayurveda" and you´ll find a lot of information about it. I´ll try to write an article about that subject at some point. :) So... In ayurveda there are three different body/personality types and for vata (the most light-headed) the proper sleeping time is from 10pm to 6am (8 hours), for pitta 10pm-5am (7 hrs) and for kapha (the least "space-boogier") 10pm-4pm (6 hrs). So different people need different amount of sleep and it can also vary in different times of the year or in your life. So learn to listen to yourself. Have time for relaxation and naps. Let yourself just be, doing nothing.

4) Bath/massage/touch/physical activity. We stay a lot of the time in our heads, thinking, planning, stressing, reminiscing... Now we´ll have to start learning again how to be more in our bodies. How to listen our bodies. How to take care and respect our bodies. It is important to get this kind of "bodily work/consciousness" as a part of our daily routine. It doesn´t have to be a long session. But the regularity is THE thing - once again. Try to find the ways to connect to your body and move it the ways you find the most natural and enjoyable just for you and your body type. Try yoga (different kinds of styles!), taiji, swimming, walking, biking, hiking, jogging, climbing, gym, playing different kinds of games together, dancing, contact-improvisation... ( you can find lots of "how to learn..." -videos in the web.)

 But try to leave out any harsh attitudes and learn to have fun and really enjoy the movement of your body. Remember how joyful it was when you were a child! Be kind to yourself. Try to be mindful when moving and let your attention to be fully in your body and the sensations that rise. Very efficient way to ground yourself is also massaging. And it is easy to do even by yourself. Oil massage before or in bath is very soothing and returns you again back in yourself, in this moment, if you are "floating/spacing out". Even 5-10 minutes is enough, but it is very good to have this as a regular part of your routine. Even daily if you are an "airy-fairy"-person like me. Touch also otherwise works very well and you can learn for example reiki or some other hands-on healing methods. Once again check the Youtube! And of course it is luxury if at least sometimes you can find somebody else to give a massage or touch-healing. Rosen-therapy is amazing as well!

5) Food. Different kinds of food products can help you in grounding as well. And a simple rule is just that heavier foods ground you more and lighter less (or very light foods, for example many raw foods, can even increase too "light" feelings) and fasting of course is in this matter the worst of all. Oily foods, wheat, root vegetables, dairy and nuts are foods that can help. Of course also meat products, but those I don´t recommend for many other reasons. :) Add more proteins to your diet! Also warm and moist foods are more grounding than cold and dry. Warm drinks are recommended, but then again not coffee, black or green tea or cocoa/cacao (or chocolate, sob... ;) and also many lemonades like coke and mountain dew, because they all contain some forms of stimulating substances like caffeine, teaine (don´t remember what it is called in cocoa, some "-ine" it still is, and affecting the same way) and these can increase the unwanted spacey feelings. My doctor once told me that anybody will get a panic attack if he/she is given an amount of caffeine, that is over their own "limit". In ayurvedic vata types it basically means complete no-no to these beverages. (Okey, sometimes I just have to get some chocolate... ;) Herbal and fruit teas are very good options. But of course you have to just find out your own limits by trying these things yourself. Learn to listen to your body, what it needs to feel well. Be your own guru!

6) Cleaning and keeping things in order. In times of big changes the life can start to feel chaotic. And a good way to balance that is to have order in those things you can affect - like your home´s cleanliness. The act of cleaning is in itself very grounding and can change amazingly fast your unreal feelings to very "normal" and ordinary. Clean home is also energetically more pure and you can sense it as a good atmosphere.

7) You can try to keep your attention more on your first, root chakra´s area and in your legs/feet. Feel the ground under your every step. You can also visualize yourself having strong roots that reach the earth wherever you are. Even high in a plane. And you can ask the Mother Earth to keep you grounded and feeling safe. You can rub your feet and also make sure that they stay always dry and warm. That helps the whole body to be warm, and it then again helps you to stay feeling grounded and safe.

8) Use your hands. Try gardening, baking, painting, knitting, wood work... Anything that feels good to you. Touch and feel with your hands. Get your hands dirty!

9) Prefer natural materials in your home and in your clothes. Walk barefoot in the nature and on the wooden or stony floor. Be mindful how it feels. Enjoy the sensations.

Okey, maybe these are enough now for the start. :) I´ll add more if some ideas come to my mind that are not yet here and you can also share your grounding tips! :)